Saturday, March 5, 2016

Now Hiring?

Months and months ago there was a job listing for a particular company, potentially my current dream job. When I saw this listing I immediately pictured myself applying for it and getting the position and living the dream. But, did I fill out an application or send in my resume? No. Shortly after, the position was filled by a wonderful person who is doing an amazing job. 
Why didn't I just apply you may ask? Beats me, I ask myself that very question every day. Realistically chances are I wouldn't have gotten the job, I technically didn't qualify, I technically need to decide if I am changing my minor or adding a second minor or if am just going to finally finish the dang thing I already started. However, I should have just applied, to say to myself that I tried, to take that first step no matter the outcome, to put myself out there and maybe be remember later on when the time was right. 
So again I ask why didn't I simply apply?
Because it is so much easier to dream about your dream job than to actually strive and reach to achieve it. 

Not a great excuse, I agree, but sadly a real one. At least for me.

So months later I find myself creating a profile on LinkedIn, looking up Indie Game Job Listings, and struggling to figure out how the poop I create a resume with the amazingness that is my online life. 

I spend majority of my day socializing, marketing myself, Guardian Radio, Dames etc on social media such as twitter. I enjoy this. Its become natural to me, even though a few years ago I swore against Twitter, convinced even looking at such a thing would cause me to keel over dead. Now? Im in love with Twitter, with marketing, with PR work. I am honored to hold the title of Community Manager officially for Guardian Radio. I have learned so much through my experience founding, leading and growing Dames of Destiny and Safe Gamers as well as my own personality and Youtube channel. 

I could go on and on about all I have learned and how much I have grown as an individual and how much the groups I am a part of have changed and grown. 

The issue? How do I put all of that into a professional appearing ONE PAGE resume?!

If you know me at all I like to talk

and talk

and talk.

Im the same with writing. I dont summarize well. Especially when it comes to things I am deeply passionate about, things that have made such a strong impact on my life. 

If I ever successfully condense it all into a resume, any place I send it to should hire me on the spot just for being able to do so, for that will be one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. 

Condensing who you are and what you do with your life into one simple page is a very difficult task indeed. 

So my conclusion? 

Screw it. Im making a video resume. Thats what I do, thats how I am going to present myself. And dont worry I will also include a boring paper version, I promise. But Im a unique individual with unique passions, I am going to show them to the world the way I know best, with my voice. 

We will see how this goes. Wish me luck. And never hold yourself back for anyone or anything, its when you let your true self shine that you are noticed by the right people and when you feel the best about yourself you often come across as your best self. 

A special thank you to those who have been talking me through this on Twitter, you rock and I appreciate you.

Until Next time, 
dont fall too far down the rabbit hole.
